Friday, April 1, 2011


Purity once had a name, and beauty once had a face. Life once had a meaning, and once i felt safe. Once there was freedom, and once i could laugh. Happiness once was alive, and once i had another half. Once i shared his love, once i was by his side, once i felt i fitted, so quickly that died. His grace so great, his beauty so vast, all i ever wanted was for this to last. Fate maybe had another plan, or maybe he had another love, but it all fell apart, the hand too big for the glove. Now it's ass died away, Happiness, joy, love; all memories. Now i walk alone in this dark, cold world, with no light to guide my way. Juliette

portugese sonnet (first 2 lines)

How do i love theee, let me count the ways. i love you to the depth, bredth and hieght my soul can reach Elisabeth Barret Browning